Indexing is done through Google to improve the rank of the sites and that letting the less important pages deteriorates or goes down. These low ranking pages are known as supplemental pages and then displayed through the search engine list when there is no index marked on the initial page. Enlisting the web pages with primary indexing will make the organic engine traffic successfully visible. There is a consistent release of web pages on the world wide web and it is letting Google , Yahoo and MSN getting choosy about such pages and thereby applying the techniques or the crawlers to web pages of least important and collect or preserve them in the cache memory.
Duplication or any form of plagiarism of web pages is contributing occurrence of the Google Supplemental index. Content without laying importance on the keyword lets the web page suffer the most and become a part of supplemental index invasion. However, there are ways to keep the web pages from the impact of Google supplemental index and improve the site ranking to promote the online business. Such ways are highlighted as follows:
Associating with BlueNetVista would surely assist in reviving the online business ranking higher on affordable basis. The SEO team would give specific preference to removal of Google supplemental index by adopting the precautionary methods stated above.